Preparing For a Chinese Invasion? Military Is The Only Way…



Evidence of Chinese CCP compromise of elected officials, all of them DEMs has been released, at the same time America is sending troops and aircraft carriers to our East and West borders. Are we preparing for the invasion of the Chinese military?


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993 “C” S. Santa Fe Ave 
Vista, CA 

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6 Responses

  1. Red, I wish you would change your picture on your videos ,they all look the same , to the point I can’t tell them apart Sir ! Thank you Sir !

  2. Well Miss Johnson , I have your mane and address, and phone number , don’t threaten me or I will release this info !

  3. OMG! Check this out Zach. N. Atlantic to St. Lawrence river to Lake Ontario to Lake Erie to
    Lake Huron to Lake Michigan and Navel Station Great Lakes at 2600 Paul Jones St., N.Chicago, Il. Its right on “Berry’s” old doorstep. Only question, who controls that base? Us or them? It would be easy access for a ‘yellow submarine’ no? This would put them in the center of the N American continent, and I bet they have plenty of equipment on the Canadian side already.
    According to Sun Tzu we are on death ground. And so I think THEY WILL LOSE!!
    Also Im sure our favorite anon and his ‘boss’ has this. But pray ceaselessly for our fighting men and women and for patriotic America. OMG!

  4. Epígrafe 12.2.- Comercio al por mayor de cereales, simientes, plantas, abonos, sustancias fertilizantes, plaguicidas, animales vivos, tabaco en rama, alimentos para el ganado y materias primas marinas (peces vivos, algas, esponjas, conchas, etc.). Epígrafe 12.4.- Comercio al por mayor de carnes, productos y derivados cárnicos elaborados, huevos, aves y caza. Epígrafe 12.5.- Comercio al por mayor de leche, productos lácteos, miel, aceites y grasas comestibles. Epígrafe 12.8.- Comercio al por mayor de pescados y otros productos de la pesca y de la acuicultura.

  5. Nota: Este epígrafe autoriza para la venta en pequeñas cantidades, con aplicación al calzado, de betunes, cremas, trencillas, plantillas, calzadores y efectos análogos, suelas y tacones de goma, pudiendo colocar estos últimos artículos en el momento de prestar el servicio de limpieza. Los sujetos pasivos que presten servicios de peluquería en hogares centros de la tercera edad, satisfarán el 50 de la cuota correspondiente. Epígrafe 981.1.- Curiosidades, bien naturales artificiales, en parques, castillos, grutas, cuevas, etc.

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